카테고리 없음

고1영어모의고사(2012.6.7) 기출문제 해설

리첫 2012. 6. 19. 10:05

26. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?


It had stopped raining; the roads were clean, and the dust had been washed from



the trees. The earth was refreshed(~을 신선하게 하다). The frogs were loud in the pond; they


were big, andtheir throats were swollen(소리가 높아졌다) with pleasure.




The grass was sparkling with tiny drops of water. Some boys were playing in the little stream that the rain had made by the roadside; it was good to see them and their bright eyes. They were having the time of their lives, and I could see they were very happy. They laughed with joy as one said something to them, though they didn't understand a word. (105 words)


① sad and gloomy

② merry and lively

③ tense and urgent

④ funny and humorous

⑤ boring and monotonous