카테고리 없음

9급공무원 영어 기출문제

리첫 2013. 8. 10. 11:27


9급공무원 영어 기출문제


In the field of intercultural communication, I learned that the position of the bodies of people in conversation varies with the culture. It used to puzzle me that a special Arab friend seemed unable to walk and talk at the same time. After years in the US, he could not bring himself to stroll along, facing forward while talking. Our progress would be arrested while he edged ahead, cutting slightly in front of me and turning sideways so we could see each other. once in this position, he would stop. His behavior was explained when I learned that for the Arabs to view the other person _______ is regarded as impolite.


  ➀ angrily            ➁ closely

  ➂ straightly         ➃ peripherally