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영어속독--Newspapers in Great Britain(4)

리첫 2016. 2. 3. 13:53

영어속독--Newspapers in Great Britain(4)


The evening papers sell well because they print, throughout the day, the latest sports results. The sports pages also give advice to those who bet on results. Those people who have made bets on horse-races are anxious to know whether the horse on which they have bet has come in first.


In winter people are interested in the scores of the big football matches, and in summer in the latest scores of the county cricket matches. During the football season the papers provide information to help those who try to win large sums of money in the football pools.


Not all the Sunday papers are Sunday editions of the daily papers, even if, as is sometimes the case, the owners are the same. Two of them, The Observer and The Sunday Times, have a high standing like that of The Times and the Guardian. The Observer, started in 1791, is the oldest Sunday paper published in Britain.


The Observer, The Sunday Times, and the Sunday Telegraph provide, in addition to the news, interesting articles on music, drama, the cinema, newly published books and gardening. Many of the best critics write for these three papers. They also publish special magazine supplements, largely filled with photographs printed in colour, and with many pages of advertisements, also in colour. The Sunday papers in Britain, however, cannot rival those published in the U.S.A. Some of these are enormous.


Other Sunday newspapers are more popular. Most of them give full accounts of the many sporting events that take place on Saturday afternoons, and provide numerous articles for their women readers. (267 words)


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bet: risk (money) on the result of a race or other event

score: number of points (goals in football, runs in cricket) made in a game.

football pool: competition in which persons may win (but more usually lose) money by giving in advance the results of a number of football matches played on the same day.

is the case: is true, is a fact

have a high standing: stand high in people's opinion, have a high reputation.