카테고리 없음

영어속독--Reading and Listening in The Foreign Language

리첫 2016. 4. 11. 11:24

영어속독--Reading and Listening in The Foreign Language


There are sound pedagogical reasons for working with texts. By reading, the students acquire language in a natural way. They learn to write accurate English by reading it. In the same way as we learn to speak by listening, we probably learn to write by reading. The more everyone reads, the better! However, you should make sure that the students do it properly. Some teachers assume that each passage is to be read aloud by the students. Some think it is dangerous to allow learners to see the printed words before they have heard a spoken model. Others ask the students to follow the text as it is read aloud. But few teachers set out to develop real reading skills in a systematic way.


In real life we treat passages in different ways, reading with purpose. We read an item of gossip in the newspaper quickly, to get the general sense. If we are reading about income tax changes, we run our eyed down the page until we come to the part that is relevant to our own wage packet. Then we scrutinize it. We read a report fro our child's school slowly and carefully, trying to understand every implication. As language teachers, we must endeavor to give these different reading strategies to our students. They should not leave us with the impression that they have to read English slowly, decoding every word and phrase.(221 words)


______ min. ______ sec.