acquaintance: a person you have met but don’t know very well
An acquaintance of mine works in your office.
boyfriend: a male who is someone’s romantic interest
Are you bringing your boyfriend to the party?
classmate: a person who is in the same class with someone at school
The school is so big, I don’t even know all of my classmates.
colleague: a person someone works with professionally
All of my colleagues agree with the new plan.
companion: a friend someone spends a lot of time with or lives with
They are good companions; they go everywhere together.
coworker: a person who works in the same place as someone
She cannot get along with any of her coworkers.
fiancé: a male to whom someone is engaged to be married
He gave her a diamond ring, so now he’s her fiance.
fianceé: a female to whom someone is engaged to be married
She has been his fiancee for five years.
friend: a person you know and like
She has a lot of friends here.
girlfriend: a female who is who is someone’s romantic interest
I can’t bring my girlfriend, because she lives in another city.
partner: a companion
Her partner works at the local nursery.
a person who co owns a business with someone
My doctor is out of town, but his partner will see me.
roommate: a person someone shares a room with
We have a big room at college, so I have two roommates.
Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word from the previous list.
1. My aunt got engaged last month, and she is coming to visit with her new _______.
2. Her daughter, who is in college, complains that her _______ doesn’t help clean the bathroom.
3. I don’t like the boss’s new program, but my _______ think it will work.
4. He’s not a good friend of mine, just an _______.