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영어논술--How to Write a Business Letter

리첫 2007. 1. 12. 14:13
How to Write a Business Letter

Solving a Problem

Have you ever had a probelm with a product that you bought? Has that item broken easily, been missing a part, or not worked at all? one way to solve this kind of problem is to write a business letter. A business letter is a letter with a serious purpose.

Suppose you had a problem with a new bike helmet you had ordered. The chinspin fell off after you had used it only a week. You could try to solve this problem by writing a letter of complaint to the manufacturer of the bike helmet. Writing a letter of complaint is an easy and effective way to inform a person or a business about a problem.

Follow the steps on the next page to write a business letter.

1. Plan Your Letter

Think about what your problem is and how you would like to solve it. Your problem should be something that the manufacturer--the company that made the product --can correct. Your solution should be something the manufacturer would probably want to do to keep you as a customer.

Next, find out to whom you should write. You may need to ask a teacher or family member for help in getting the right person and the correct address.

STEPS IN Writing a business Letter

2. Draft Your Letter

Follow the business format shown on the next page.

Begin your letter by describing your problem in detail. Explain how you would like the problem to be solved. Keep your letter short so that a busy person can read it quickly. End by thanking the person for his or her help.

3. Revise and Edit

Proofread for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Make sure you have used corrrect grammar. Also check that your letter is in the correct business form shown on the next page. Have a teacher or family member check your work.

4. Send Your Letter

make a final neat copy of your letter to send. Always keep a copy of business letters you send in case you need to refer to them later.

Five Parts of a Business Letter

1. The Heading is your own address and the date.

2. The inside address adress is the address of the person to whom you are writing.

3. The salutation is a polite greeting, such as "Dear Mr." or "Dear Ms." followed by the last name of the person to whom you are writing.

4. The body is the main part of the letter, where you give information.

5. The closing is at the end of the letter, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards" followed by your name and signature.


Do not use angry words in a business letter. Always be polite.

If possible, use a computer to type your letter. Typewritten letters are easier to read.