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영어논술!--How to Use the Internet

리첫 2007. 1. 24. 18:43

How to Use the Internet


Who are Your Representatives?


Did you know that there are people in Washington, D.C., making laws for you? Even if you aren't old enough to vote, they care what you think! You can use the Internet to find out who your representatives are.


The Senate and the House of Representatives make laws for the country. Two senators represent each state. Each state also has at least one representative in Congress. States with larger populations have more representatives. The people in each state elect senators and representatives. Together, the Senate and House of Representatives are called Congress.


You can use the Internet to find the names and addresses of your senators and congressional representatives. The Internet is a worldwide computer network. You can use the Internet as a valuable research tool.


To find the names of your senators and representatives, you will use a search engine. Search engines are programs that help you do word searches on the "Web," the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet that allows you to easily connect to various Web sites. Who represents your state in Congress? You can find the answer on the Internet by following these steps.


STEPS IN Using the Internet


1. Choose a Search Engine


Your Internet Service Provider(ISP) is the company that connects your computer to the Internet. Your ISP may offer its own search engine. Ask your teacher to help you find a search engine to use.


2. Enter Keywords


Decide on the keywords for your search. These are main words related to the subject. For example, if you wanted to look up senators and representatives for the state of Ohio, you could enter the keywords "representatives" and "Ohio." Type your keywords into the search box and click on the search button.


3. Read Some Pages


The search engine will give you a list of Web pages based on your keywords. There could be three Web pages or three thousand! Look at some of the Web pages by clicking on their names.


4. Start Over


If you don't find what you want quickly, try a new search. This time, use different keywords or try another search engine. The Web has millions of pages. Keep searching for the ones you want!


TIP: If a Web page gives good results, look at links on the page. The links may lead you to more good information. Links may be listed at the side of the page or at the bottom.