카테고리 없음

2010수능영어 로파분석(20번)

리첫 2009. 11. 28. 13:23

20. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]


Upon receiving your last letter, I rushed to look up the word 'flattering' in the dictionary. I was shocked to find out that it could imply something negative, which I certainly did not mean. I should have used some word like 'complimentary' instead. For that, I would like to ask for the kindness in your heart to forgive my unintended offense. If you knew me well, you would know that I am shameless enough to take all compliments at their face value and not to think that they might be mere flattery. I just did not know what the word really implied. I hope that you no longer feel hurt or uncomfortable in any way as result of our correspondence. (123 words)


1) 무례한 태도에 대하여 항의하려고

2) 훌륭하게 쓰여진 편지를 칭찬하려고

3) 단어를 잘못 사용한 것에 대하여 사과하려고

4) 전문 용어에 대한 정확한 의미를 문의하려고

5) 좋은 사전을 선물해 준 것에 대하여 감사하려고