카테고리 없음

2010수능영어 로퍼분석(28번문항)

리첫 2010. 2. 19. 16:34

27. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


Not all authors trusted that the theater audience would automatically understand their plays in the intended manner. Thus, they repeatedly attempted to make it clear to their public that visiting the theater was not merely for the purpose of entertainment, but rather to draw lessons from the play offered onstage. It was, therefore, important for the viewer ______________ so as to facilitate interpretation of the content. This idea was developed by Bertolt Brecht with his 'epic theater,' which used alienation as a strategy to prevent the identification of the public with the figures of the drama. Through scattered narration and commentary throughout the play, for example, the viewers are invited to take a step back from the performance. In this way, they are given hints to better understand the play while the conclusion is left open so as to leave them to draw thier own conclusions. (145 words)


1) to imitate the actor's performance

2) to learn about the play beforehand

3) to identify himself with the actors on the stage

4) to bridge the gap between himself and the actors

5) to create a distance from the actions on the stage