카테고리 없음


리첫 2010. 4. 21. 10:34

Identifying th Topic and Main Ideas


Read the following paragraph quickly. What key words and phrases are clues to the paragraph's meaning?


The colonial delegates assembled at Albany, New York, in the summer of 1754 to attempt a common peace with all of the Native American tribes. The most important result of the conference was the aceptance by the delegates of a plan to unite the colonies. This plan for intercolonial union was drawn up by Benjamin Franklin. Thus, the roots of the United States are in the Indian--white relations of the mid--eighteenth century. Men like Franklin saw the confederacy of Native tribes as a model to build upon. 


Some key words and phrases are below. What others did you find?



colonial degates              

most important result    

plan to unite the colonies  

intercolonial union                                           


Now, answer a question:



What does the paragraph mainly discuss?


A) Colonial policies of the eighteenth century

A) The end of war with the Native American tribes

C) A plan to unite the American colonies

D) The roots of Indian--white relations 


출처: 델타스토플(Delta's Toefl)