카테고리 없음

서울 도봉구 효문중학교 1학년 중간고사 시험범위(영어)

리첫 2010. 4. 27. 11:07

<Lesson1> Everything Is New!


$ 본문


Daniel: Hey, Jina. How was your first day at school?


Jina: Great! Everything is new.


Daniel: I know. There are different teachers for every subject.


Jina: Yeah, it's exciting. And, we have a gym at our school.


Daniel: You love sports. You're so lucky.


Jina: I know. We can play sports on rainy days.


Daniel: That's great! How are your classmates?


Jina: I don't know many of them yet. But everyone is so nice.


Daniel: You'll make a lot of friends soon.


Jina: Thanks, Daniel. Talk to you later.


Daniel: Okay. Bye.




$ Dialogue 


$ 안부 묻기/ 정보 묻기


Subin: Hey, Brian. What's up?


Brian: Nothing much, Subin. How are you?


Subin: Fine. I'm just getting ready for school.


Brian: When does your school start?


Subin: It starts tomorrow. I'm so excited.


Brian: Do you have uniforms there?


Subin: Yeah. Most Korean middle schools have uniforms.


Brian: Well, my school doesn't. But I really want to wear them.




$ Look and Talk 


A: Do you have school uniforms?


B: Yes, we do. / No, we don't.




<Lesson 2> Mina's Show and Tell


$ 본문


Mr Brown: Okay, class. Are you ready for your show and tell?


Class: Yes, Mr. Brown!


Mr.Brown: Let's start with Mina. Why don't you come to the front?


Mina: Okay.


Mr. Brown: What are you going to show us today?


Mina: This is picture of my family. This is my father. He's a pilot.

         This is my mother. She's a science teacher. This is my

         older brother, Jiho. He's a high school student. Next to

         him.... That's my younger brother.


Subin: Where is your younger brother? I don't see him.


Mina: Right here. His name is Spot.


Jinho: Oh, your younger brother is puppy!


Class: Ha ha ha....


Mr. Brown: Thank you, Mina. You have a lovely family.




$ Dialogue


$ 제의하기 / 인물 묘사하기


Brian: My show and tell is tomorrow. I don't know what to bring.


Subin: Why don't you bring a photograph?


Brian: Well.... I have a picture of famous singer.


Subin: What's so special about that?


Brian: I'm in the picture with her.


Subin: Cool! Tell me more.


Brian: She's wearing my cap.


Subin: Great! That's going to be an interesting show and tell.




$ Look and Talk   


A: My show and tell is tomorrow. I don't know what to bring.


B: Why don't you bring your family?




$ Let's Role-play


A: I'm looking for my brother.


B: What's he wearing?


A: He's wearing a blue T-shirt. 




<Lesson 3> A Rich Father and His Poor Son


$ 본문


This is a story about a very rich man and his son. The son does not know much about the world.The man wants to teach his son an important lesson: not everyone is rich. So, he takes his son to a farm. 


Father: Let's stay at this farm.


Son: Yippee! This is going to be fun. 


Father: My son doesn't know much about the world. Can he

          work on the farm?


Farmer: Of course. We can always use a helping hand here.

            Can you help me with us?


Son: I'll try my best.


Father: Can you give some food to the cows?


Son: Sure. Sounds like fun.


After three days, the father and his son go back home. The father asks his son.


Father: What did you learn, son?


Son: Lots of things. We only have one dog. They have four.

       We have a pool in our backyard. They have a very big lake.

       We   have lights in front of our house. They have stars in

       the sky. We have high walls around us. They have friends

       around them.

       Dad, thanks for teaching me. Now I know that we're really poor.




$ Dialogue


$ 능력 묻기 / 좋아하는 것 묻기


Jenny: Hi. Minjun. What are you doing?


Minjun: I'm reading a  comic book.


Jenny: Can I see it for a second?


Minjun: Here you go. Do you know how to read Korean?


Jenny: Yes, It says... Can you help me with this?


Minjun: Wow! Good job. Do you like reading comic books?


Jenny: Of course. Comic books are fun.


Minjun: Yeah, why don't we read them together?




$ Complete and Talk


A: Mina , do you like playing tennis?


B: Yes, I do.


A: Great. Do you want to play tennis with me this Saturday?


B: Sure. I'll see you in the park.




$ Look and Talk


A: Hey, what are you doing?


B: I'm reading a comic book in Korean.


A: Really? Do you know how to read Korean?


B: Of course. 





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