카테고리 없음


리첫 2010. 5. 4. 13:27

18. 밑줄 친 It[it]이 가리키는 것으로 적절한 것은? [1점]


It's not always easy to tell what's it and what's not. Sometiems, it's  accidental--you really intended to do your own work, but instead ended up with some sentences that sound just like something you've read. It is a shortcut that enables you to save time for thinking about any subject, gathering your own thoughts about it. Cut, paste, and you're done. It comes from a Latin word for kidnapping. You know that kidnapping is stealing a person. You wouldn't take someone's lunch money or bike, right? Well, someone's words and thoughts are personal property, too. Ask yourself, "Would I know this if I hadn't read it on that website or in that book?" If the answer is no, list the original source. (121 words)


1) 복사      2) 표절       3) 각색      4) 출판        5) 교정