카테고리 없음

2010수능영어 로퍼분석(34번 문항)

리첫 2010. 5. 13. 12:48

34. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


A forest fire in Brazil affects the weather in Moscow by creating huge dust clouds that eventually float over Russia. Every element in an ecosystem depends on every other element, even the so-called nonliving elements such as minerals, oxygen, and sunlight. Yes, light is an integral element of all life. The sun is food for many of earth's life forms. Physicists speak of photons of light as being interchangeable. When the light from an object hits a person, only some of it bounces off. Most of the photons are absorbed into the person. Its energy becomes that person's energy. This is how incredible interdependence is -- everything is constantly becoming everything else. (113 words)

                                                       * photon: 광자(光子)             


1) the connectedness of elements in nature

2) the importance of light as a food source

3) the effects of forest fires on the environment

4) the causes of dramatic changes in the weather

5) the consequences of the destruction of ecosystems