카테고리 없음

모의고사 장문독해(2009년 9월)

리첫 2010. 5. 17. 14:07

[48~50] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.




When I first began teaching, I was invited to a workshop for new professors. Like most people who teach at universities, I had spent a long time learing what to teach, but none learning how to teach it. Somehow, my university seemed to hope, a weekend spent with experienced professors would make up for that. My colleagues presented well-crafted lectures about the tools they used in the classroom. I enjoyed their presentations, but do not remember a thing they said.




When we were called to the next talk, he put down his cup and I noticed there was not a trace of coffee in it. I thought that was rather odd, and said so. "My doctor told me to stop drinking coffee," he explained. "So I have always used an empty cup. Doesn' t make any difference." I decided to try his idea in my class, but not with an empty cup.




I took a cup of coffee with me to my next class Monday morning. It helped. My pauses, as I drank the coffee, not only gave my students time to think about what I was going to say next. I began to use my pauses to look around the room to see how my students were reacting to what I had just said. When I saw them puzzled over some concept that I thought I had explained, I gave another example. My lectures became less organized and less brillant, but my students seemed to understand me better.




One thing that I do remember happened at a coffee break. Finding myself alone, I turned to a mathematics professor standing nearby. I asked him what his favorite teaching tool was. "A cup of coffee, " he said. I asked him how he used it. "Well," he said, "I talk too much and too fast in the classroom. Students sometimes have troble following me. So every once in a while, when I've said something I want my students to think about, I stop and take a sip of coffee. It lets what I've just said sink in."


48. 위 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?


1) (B)--> (D) --> (C)                 2) (C) --> (B) --> (D) 

3) (C) --> (D) --> (B)                4) (D) --> (B) --> (C) 

5) (D) --> (C) --> (B)


49. 위 글의 밑줄 친 A cup of coffee 의 역할로 가장 적절한 것은?


1) 강의 및 학습을 돕는 도구

2) 수업 중 졸음을 방지하는 수단

3) 학생들 간의 친목을 도모하는 수단

4) 학습 과제를 제시하는 수단

5) 관찰력을 향상시키는 도구


50. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


1) 필자는 신임 교수를 위한 워크숍에 참석했다.

2) 수학 교수는 의사의 권유에 따라 커피를 마시지 않았다.

3) 필자는 월요일 아침 수업 시간에 커피를 마셨다.

4) 필자는 휴식 시간에 수학 교수와 이야기하였다.

5) 수학 교수는 수업 시간에 자신의 말이 너무 느리다고 생각한다.