카테고리 없음

사설모의고사 장문독해(2008년 6월)

리첫 2010. 6. 5. 18:48

49~50. 두 사람의 대립된 의견을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.



Person A  Whether you're used to sharing a room or not, sharing your dorm room in college is a different situation. Chances are, whoever you're rooming with comes from a completely different walk of life than what you're used to. Learning to deal with different people is a major part of life. Having a room at college is part of the college experience, especially if you go away to one. What's the point of meeting new people if you have your room by yourself? Learning to live with other people teaches you about yourself, too. It can also help prepare you for future relationships. Learning how to compromise while you are younger may take it easier to live with a spouse later on. Besides, roommates often become some of the best friends you'll ever make.  



Person B Living with a roommate can be a living nightmare as well as a wonderful thing. one disadvantage of having a roommate is the distribution of household responsibilities may not always be even. Roommates should have a discussion regarding the household responsibilities such as cleaning the common areas but there is always the possibility that one roommate may not do his share of the work. When this happens it can create conflict and resentment among the roommates. This conflict can make the living situation quite uncomfortable. Lack of ______ is another disadvantage of having a roommate. Those who live alone do not ever have to worry about not having time to themselves. However, when they have a roommate, there is no guarantee they will ever have any time to himself.       


49. 위 두 글의 핵심 쟁점으로 가장 적절한 것은?


    1) living off campus

    2) having a roommate

    3) sharing household chores

    4) the meaning of friendship

    5) the frredom of college life 


50. Person B의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


    1) support      2) safety     3) variety    4) peace      5) privacy