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수능모의고사(고2) 문제

리첫 2010. 8. 24. 17:24

18. 밑줄 친 This[this]가 가리키는 것으로 적절한 것은?


If you are one of many common inventors, you'll probably want to have this to your invention. This might give you fame, recognition and pride as an inventor as well as potential wealth to help you engage in your favorite thing--inventing. Many business entreneurs try to come up with ways of gaining this to their unique product as a means making a fortune. This might allow them a set of exclusive rights to their product. That is, they can have the right to prevent others from making, using, selling, or distributing their product without permission. This is usually granted by a state to anyone who made the invention which is new, inventive, and industrially applicable.                                                        * entrepreneur: 기업가


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