카테고리 없음

오늘의 수업(중3영어)

리첫 2010. 9. 1. 14:31

Lesson 7   A Two-Year Vacation


One dark night in March, 1860, a ship was sailing through a violent storm with huge waves. The ship was about  to be broken into pieces by the wild sea.


On the deck, four boys were trying very hard to save the ship from the night storm. They were Gordon, Brian, Denipan and Moco. Gordon was fourteen, Brian and Denipan thirteen, and Moco twelve. Below the deck, there were eleven little children sleeping.


The children were all students at the Chairman School in Auckland, New Zealand. Two days later, when they came together on a ship for a school trip, the rope was cut by accident, and the ship washed away to sea. Unfortunately, the captain and his men had left the ship to have a drink. So the ship was in the hands of the fifteen boys!(129 words)


1 How many boys were there on the ship when it washed away to sea?


Words: violent/wave/below/deck/rope/captain   <151페이지>



In the early morning, Moco suddenly cried, "Land! Land!" The boys ran up to the deck to see where Moco was pointing. A few minutes later, the ship managed to land on shore. At last, they were on land!


The boys stepped on the land with great joy. It looked like a desert island, but it didn't matter to them. However, they began to worry about their uncertain future on this desert island.


"We must look for food and clothes," Brian said. "The ship may wash away to sea at any time." "But the little children are tired and scared," Gordon said. "Let's find some place to rest first." "Why do think you are, Gordon? Out leader?" "Stop it!" Moco said.


Finally, they agreed to look for a place to rest first, and Brian soon found a mountain cave. They left the younger boys in the cave and went back to the ship.(151 words)


2 Who suggested that they should look for food and clothes?

3 What did they do first on the desert island?              <152 페이지>



Fortunately, all of the ship's food was dry. Inside the ship, they found some cookies, cans, ham and meat. They also found some books and clothes. They were pleased to find some guns since they had to protect themselves.


That night, all the boys slept well in the cave although they were a little uneasy and worried. Now they were on their own and had to survive on a desert island! There were unknown adventures waiting for them.


The next morning, it was sunny and clear. The boys decided to name the island "Chairman Island."


"Now, how about electing the leader?" Brian said. "That's a good idea," said Denipan. "We need someone who can lead us." "I think Gordon will make a fine leader." Brian said. "So do we." other boys agreed with Brian. "Thanks, Brian. Thank you, everybody," Gordon said. "I will do my best."


The boys were all very happy. (142 words)


4 What did they find inside the ship?

5 Who was elected as the leader?


Words: manage/survive/shore/adventure/leader/elect/cave/lead/gun <153 페이지>


“First, we have to store food. Some of us need to fish, and some of us need to hunt. Younger boys can gather fruit," Gordon said. "We can also catch wild animals to raise," Brian said. "We don't know how long we will have to stay here."


The boys managed to survive on the island for two years. Not a single ship passed the island during those two years.


One day, the boys saw a ship coming towards the island.


Imagine how happy they must have been! To their disappointment, however, the ship was under the control of some bad sailors. The brave boys decided to fight them. They set free Mr. Evans, captain of the ship. With his help, they were able to take over the ship.


Finally, they were able to come back to Auckland. Two years had passed since the boys were washed away from Auckland. Yet, all 15 boys grew up to be fine young men after their adventures at sea. (162 words)


6 How were the boys able to come back to their home?


Words: hunt/imagine/control/sailor <154 페이지>


출처: 두산동아(김성곤 외)