카테고리 없음


리첫 2011. 1. 21. 13:01




Read the following passages and choose the one best answer to each question. Answer all questions on the basis of what is stated oe implied in that passage.


The tiger shark has good eyesight, but it relies mostly on other senses to track and catch its prey. It has an acute sense of smell, which enables it to pick up even the faintest traces of blood in the water and follow them to their source. It is also sensitive to low-frequency pressure waves produced by movements in the water. Even tiny nerve and muscle twinges reach its sensitive electroreceptors, enabling the shark to pinpoint prey in the darkest, murkiest water.




What is the main idea of the paragraph?


(A) The tiger shark depends on its keen eyesight to track and catch prey

(B) The tiger shark has many features that help it find food.

(C) The tiger shark relies on its electroreceptos for navigating in dark water.

(D) The tiger shark is an endangered species.


출처: Delta's Toefl