카테고리 없음


리첫 2011. 6. 24. 15:40




Unit 5.0 요지-주장 찾기



다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?



Old Hawk gestured up at the tall, old cottonwood. It was do large that a grown man could not put his arms around it. "This tree," he said, "has stood guard over our family all its life. Strength is what I feel each time I look at it. Yet, there have been moments when its great strength was also its weakness." "That's hard to believe," Jeremy said. "It's the biggest tree for miles around." Old Hawk pointed at the chokecherry trees in a dry river bed not far away. "Look there," he said, "those chokecherry trees are small and weak in comparison to this cottonwood. But when you were a child, they survived a storm without losing a branch. This old cottonwood, on the other hand, lost several branches. It stood up to the storm, but it could not bend with the wind the way the chokecherry trees could." (148 words)



1) 강한 것이 약한 것을 이긴다.

2) 강점이 약점이 될 수도 있다.

3) 신념이 꿈을 실현시킨다.

4) 서식 환경이 나무의 용도를 결정한다.

5) 식물은 자연 재해를 막는 데 도움이 된다.



기출지문(다르게 보기)



다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?



Many social scientists have believed for some time that birth order directly affects both personality and achievement in adult life. In fact, people have been using birth order to account for personality factors such as an aggressive behavior or a passive temperament. one might say, "Oh, I'm the eldest of three sisters, so I can't help that I'm so overbearing," or "I'm not very successful in business, because I'm the youngest child and thus less aggressive than my older brothers and sisters." Recent studies, however, have proved this belief to be false. In other words, birth order may define your role within a family, but as you mature into adulthood, accepting other social roles, birth order becomes insignificant. (118 words)



1) 인성 교육은 가정의 화목한 분위기에서 출발한다.

2) 다자녀 가정에서 자란 사람이 지도력이 우수하다.

3) 가정의 위계질서를 위해 출생 순서는 존중되어야 한다.

4) 출생 순서는 사람의 성격과 성과를 결정하지는 않는다.

5) 사람들의 성격은 부모들의 교육방식에 의해 결정된다.



5.0 Real Test


01 다음 글의 요지로 적절한 것은?



I never needed a car when I went to university and neither did any of my classmates. Students who have cars will spend too much time driving around with their friends when they should be studying. In order to afford a car loan and oay for gasoline, maintenance, and insurance, they have to work at part-time jobs, which also means they will spend less time in class and on their studies. Their school work will suffer as a result. And even if their parents pay for all the car expenses, it is a heavy burden on them in addition to having to pay for the high education costs. Such students are too selfish. In my opinion, studying is the student's first responsibility while at university, and having a car would keep them from doing this. (135 words)



1) 통학을 위해 셔틀버스를 운행해야 한다.

2) 대학생들에게 교통비용을 지원해야 한다.

3) 운전면허 발급 대상자를 확대해야 한다.

4) 대학생의 자동차 소유는 바람직하지 않다.

5) 대학 내에서 자동차 경적을 금지해야 한다.



02 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?



Think of someone you used to be close to but with whom your relationship weakens over time. Perhaps you had several small disputes over the years, and now the two of you rarely if ever speak. Consider making a change and gathering the courage to start communication. Give that person a call or write her a letter. Break the ice. If you do this, and the intention is genuine, you will have changed the energy between the two of you from negative to positive. You *may have dreaded making that phone call or putting pen to paper. but often just making the effort results in a positive change. (107 words)



1) 가깝고 친한 사람일수록 예의를 지켜라.

2) 작은 도움에도 감사하는 마음을 표현하라.

3) 타인의 단점보다는 장점을 보도록 노력하라.

4) 잘못된 인간관계의 개선을 위해 먼저 움직여라.

5) 항상 상대방의 입장에서 생각하는 자세를 가져라.



03 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?



When asked on a survey, "How much special consideration should minority students receive in college admissions?" about 70 percent of the UCLA freshmen said that at least some special consideration should be given. However, when asked, should affirmative action be abolished?" 50 percent said yes. Asked about government spending on assistance to the poor," only 23 percent of respondents said that too much was being spent. Asked about "welfare," however, 53 percent said that too much was being spent. In another study, 88 percent of participants indicated that they thought nicotine nasal spray was effective for stopping smoking when the spray was said to have a "20 percent failure rate," only 42 percent indicated that they thought it was effective for quitting smoking. (136 words)



1) 대학 입학에서 소수 집단을 위한 배려가 필요하다.

2) 정부는 소외계층을 보호하는 역할을 해야 한다.

3) 과학적인 연구 방법이 정확한 결론을 도출해 낸다.

4) 설문 조사에서는 질문 방식에 따라 반응이 달라진다.

5) 사람들은 다수의 의견이 항상 옳다고 생각한다.



04 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?



On a rowing team, everybody has to try to row hard. But no one should try to row harder than anyone else or the boat will go in circles. The same is true with a relationship. Your efforts alone, no matter how great they may be, cannot make a relationship healthy or satisfying. A good relationship not only requires effort from two persons but requires mutual effort fro the two persons. It means that increasing your commitment to your relationship will not help unless your partner makes the same effort for the relationship. (94 words)



1) 건전한 관계는 공도의 노력을 통해 형성된다.

2) 인간관계는 정직과 신뢰에 바탕을 두어야 한다.

3) 사회는 소수의 뛰어난 사람에 의해 발전한다.

4) 남들보다 더 열심히 일하려는 자세를 가져야 한다.

5) 실수를 반복하지 말아야 좋은 관계를 유지할 수 있다.



05 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?



You could be the great genius, like Thomas Edison, but if no one knows about your talent or is in a position to judge it, you're wasting your time. Being in the right field is important. But within that field, it's also a good idea to maintain a high degree of visibility. If you've got the potential to be brilliant corporate manager, you might be wasting your time working for a small company. You would be better off working for a large corporation where you have the opportunity to take off in many directions, learn how the different departments work together, and thus have a larger arena to test your skills. (112 words)



1) 천재는 재능보다는 노력에 의해서 탄생한다.

2) 시간을 효과적으로 사용해야 성공할 수 있다.

3) 남들 앞에서 자신의 재능을 과시하지 말아야 한다.

4) 자신의 재능을 발휘할 수 있는 곳에서 일해야 한다.

5) 누구나 잠재적인 재능을 가지고 있음을 인정해야 한다.



06 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?



Much of our anxiety and inner struggle stems from our busy, overactive minds. We seem to live saying "What's new?" While we're eating dinner, we wonder what's for dessert. After we've been out, we walk into the house and immediately turn on the television, pick up the phone, or start cleaning. It's almost as though we were frightened at not having something to do, even for a minute. Just like your body, your mind needs an occasional break from its hectic routine. When you allow your mind to slow down, it comes back stronger, sharper, and more creative. (97 words)



1) 정해진 계획에 맞춰 생활하라.

2) 불필요한 외식을 줄이도록 하라.

3) 느긋한 마음을 가지고 생활하라.

4) 직장일보다 가사를 소중히 하라.

5) 집안 문제는 대화를 통해 해결하라.




Unit 5.5 조동사



1 should/must/may



Mr. Bell refused to listen to him. He insisted that his son (should) go to a special school for the gifted where he could develop his talent for mathematics. After a year at the school, even his son's teachers agreed that he was unhappy.



2 조동사+have+과거분사



We often hear stories of ordinary people who, if education had focused on creativity, could have become great artists or scientists. Those victims of education should have received training to develop creative talents while in school. It really is a pity that they did not.



3 기타 조동사



I feel a cold, light northern wind play upon my face. This wind, which has traveled from the North Pole toward which I am going, gives me a taste of the icy climate. I used to think that the North Pole was the seat of frost and snow.



4. 다음 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 고르시오.



(1) We must show every young person, no matter how deprived his background may / must be, that he has a genuine opportunity to fulfill himself and play a constructive role in our society.



(2) "When in doubt, it must be someone else's fault." You can see this assumption in action almost everywhere you look--the car isn't working properly, so the mechanic must / should have repaired it incorrectly.



5.5 Real Test


01 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?


In Baltimore, a dumb burglar broke into a house and ransacked the place 1) while the woman who lived there was home. Having found only eleven dollars in cash, he demanded that the victim 2) wrote him a check for $300. When the woman asked to whom she 3) should make the check payable, the burglar gave his own name, in full. He was arrested a few hours later. But an Oklahoma thief 4) may have been the dumbest of all. 5) Charged with purse-snatching, he decided to act as his own attorney. At his trial, he cross-examined the victim: "Did you get a good look at my face when I took your purse?" Not surprisingly, he was convicted. (116 words)



02 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?



A friend of mine sent me a New Year's card with this great wish for 2010: "I hope that all you touch 1) will change to gold (as in the story of King Midas)." This good luck message refers to the famous "Midas touch" that results in some people 2) being able to achieve success in anything they do. As you know, however, the story of King Midas is a warning. King Midas realized too late that he 3) must not have made foolish wishes and allowed greed to take over his mind. Therefore, the "Midas Touch" should really be regarded as a negative attribute, something about which we 4) should be careful. It is very interesting to me that the cautionary part of the tale seems to be ignored by modern society, which 5) tends only to focus on the money-making aspect. (138 words)



03 (A), (B), (C)의 밑줄 친 것 중, 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?



Think about a time in your past when you experienced a loss. It may (A) be / have been the loss of a relationship, a job, or money in an investment that caused you emotional pain. Consider your life now, and you will probably be aware that the loss allowed for new opportunities to emerge. If the loss (B) didn't occur / had not occurred, the love or abundance you experienced later would not have been possible. For example, Lauren lost her job as senior manager as her company unexpectedly was downsized. She felt anger, anxiety, and depression for the next several months. But she decided (C) starting / to start a new job with a smaller company and now, two years later, she is happier than she ever was working in a larger company. (129 words)




    (A)                       (B)                        (C)

1) be          ---   didn't occur         ---  starting

2) be          ---   had not occurred  ---  to start

3) have been ---  didn't occur        ---  to start

4) have been ---  didn't occur        ---  starting

5) have been ---  had not occurred ---  to start