카테고리 없음

로퍼보캐--접두사(고대 영어)1

리첫 2011. 8. 3. 08:24



What is a sound (or combination of sounds) placed before and connected to a word or root to form a new word. Examples:


    PREFIX                                                     WORD OR ROOT                   NEW WORD


   FORE (Anglo-Saxon prefix meaning "beforehand") + SEE                                = FORESEE (meaning "see beforehand)

   DIS ( Latin prefix meaning "apart")                       + SECT (root meaning "cut")  = DISSECT (meaning "cut apart")

   HYPER (Greek prefix meaning "over"                    + CRITICAL                       = HYPERCRITICAL (meaning "overcritical")




A knowledge of prefixes and their meanings can help you enlarge your vocabulary. The number of English words beginning with prefixes is considerable, and it keeps increasing. once you know what a particular prefix means, you have a clue to the meaning of every word beginning with that prefix. For example, when you learn that the Latin prefix bi means "two," you are better able to understand--and remember--the meaning of bipartisan ("representing two political parties"), bilingual ("speaking two languages") bisect ("cut in two"), etc. Our prefixes come mainly from Anglo-Saxon (Old English), Latin, and Ancient Greek.




This unit has a double purpose: (1) to acquaint you with important Anglo-Saxon refixes, and (2) to help you add to your vocabulary a number of useful words beginning with these prefixes.


Anglo-Saxon Prefixes 1-4




Insert the letter of the best answer in the space provided.


1. An outspoken person is not likely to be ________.

(A) bold (B) frank (C) shy


2. When you have a foreboding, yo feel that something ______ is going to happen.

(A) unimportant (B) unfortunate (C) good


3. Misgivings result from ______.

(A) doubts and suspicious (B) selfishness (C) increased output


4. Forebears are associated mainly with the _______.

(A) present (B) past (C) future.





1. FORE-: "beforehand", "front", "before"



forearm = literally, "front part of the arm" part of the am fro the wrist to the elbow


forebear = (literally, one who has been or existed before") ancestor; forefather


foreboding = feeling beforehand of coming trouble; misgiving; presentiment


forecast = estimate beforehand of a future happening; prediction prophecy


forefront = (literally, "front part of the front") foremost place or part; vanguard


foregoing = going before; preceding


foremost = standing at the front; first; most advanced; leading; principal; chief


foreshadow = indicate beforehand


foresight = power of seeing beforehand what is likely to happen; prudence


foreword = front matter preceding the text of a book; preface; introduction