카테고리 없음


리첫 2011. 8. 6. 21:07



4. OVER-: "too," "excessively," "over," "beyond"


overbearing  domineering over others; inclined to dictate


overburden  to place too heavy a load on; burden excessively; overtax


overconfident  too sure of oneself; excessively confident


overdose  quantity of medicine beyond what is to be taken at one time or in a given period; too big a dose


overestimate  to make too high an estimate (rough calculation) of the worth or size of something or someone; overvalue


overgenerous  too liberal in giving; excessively openhanded


overshadow  to cast a shadow over; be more important than; outweigh


oversupply  too great a supply; an excessive supply


overwhelm  to cover over completely; overpower; overthrow; crush