Habits are things we do repeatedly. But most of the time we are hardly aware that we have them. They're on autopilot.
Some habits are good, such as(중요한 것):
* Exercising regularly(규칙적인 운동)
* Planning ahead(미리 세운 계획)
* Showing respect for others(남에 대한 존경심)
Some are bad, like(나쁜 것):
* Thinking negatively(부정적인 생각)
* Feeling inferior(열등감 느끼기)
* Blaming others(남탓 하기)
And some don't really maytter, including(해도 좋고 안해도 좋은 것):
* Taking showers at night(밤에 샤워하는 것)
* Eating yogurt with a fork(포크로 요구르트 먹는 것)
* Reading magazines from back to front (잡지를 처음부터 끝까지 읽는 것)