접두사(라틴어) 1
1. AB-, A-, ABS-(=from, away, off)
The prefix ab (sometimes written a or abs) means "from," "away," or "off." Examples:
AB(“off") + RUPT("broken") = ABRUPT("broken up; sudden")
A("away") + VERT("turn") = AVERT("turn away")
ABS("from") + TAIN("hold") = ABSTAIN("hold from; refrain")
abdicate formally remove oneself from; give up; relinquish; surrender
abduct carry off by force; kidnap
abhor shrink from; detest; loathe; hate
abnormal(<-> normal) deviating from the normal; unusual; irregular
abrasion scraping or wearing away of the skin by friction
abrupt broken up; sudden; unexpected
abscond steal off and hide; depart secretly; flee
absolve 1. set free from some duty or responsibility
2. declare free from guilt or blame
absorbing fully taking away one's attention; extremely interesting; engrossing
abstain withhold oneself from doing something; refrain
averse literally, "turned from"; opposed; disinclined; unwilling
avert turn away; ward off; prevent
avocation(<-> vocation) occupation away from one's customary occupation; hobby