카테고리 없음


리첫 2011. 8. 11. 16:04



2. AD-(=to, toward, near)



adapt 1. (literally, "fit to") adjust; suit; fit

        2. make suitable for a different use; modify


addicted given over (to a habit); habituated


adequate  equal to, or sufficient for, a specific need; enough; sufficient


adherent  one who sticks to a leader, party, etc,; follower; faithful supporter


adjacent  lying near; neighboring; bordering


adjoin  be next to; be in contact with


adjourn  put off to another day; suspend a meeting to resume at a future time; defer


advent  a "coming to"; arrival; approach


adversary(<-> ally)  person "turned toward" or facing another as an opponent; foe; contestant


adverse  in opposition to one's interests; hostile; unfavorable