카테고리 없음

로퍼보캐-- 라틴어 접두사5

리첫 2011. 8. 29. 14:06



5. E-, EX-(out, from, away)/IN-, IM-(in, into, on, against, over)


emigrate move out of a country or regio to settle in another


immigrate move into a foreign country or region as a permanent resident


eminent standing out; conspicuous; distinguished; noteworthy


imminent hanging threateningly over one's head; about to occur; impending


enervate (literally, "take out the nerves or strength") lessen the strength of; enfeeble; weaken


erosion gradual wearing away


evoke bring out; call forth; elicit


invoke call on for help or protection; appeal to for support


excise cut out; remove by cutting out


incise cut into; carve; engrave


exclusive 1. shutting out, or tending to shut out others

               2. not shared with others; single; sole


inclusive (literally, "shutting in") including the limits (dates, numbers, etc.) mentioned


exhibit (literally, "hold out") show; display


inhibit (literally, "hold in") hold in check; restrain; repress


expel drive out; force out; compel to leave


impel drive on; force compel


implicate (literally, "fold in or involve") show to be part of or connected with; involve


impugn (literally, "fight against") call in question; assail by words or arguments; attack as false; contradict


incarcerate put into prison; imprison; confine


inscribe (literally, "write on") write, engrave, or print to create a lasting record


insurgent 1. one who rises in revolt against established authority; rebel

               2. rebellious