카테고리 없음

로퍼보캐--라틴어 접두사9

리첫 2011. 9. 14. 20:23



IN-, IL-, IM-, IR-(=not, un-)


illegible not legible; not able to be read


illiterate not literate; unable to read and write; uneducated


illogical not logical; not observing the rules of logic (correct reasoning)


immaculate not spotted; absolutely clean; stainless


immature not mature; not fully grown or developed


impunity state of being not punished; freedom from punishment, harm, loss, etc.


inaccessible not accessible; not able to be reached; hard to get to


incessant not ceasing; continuing without interruption


inflexible not flexible; not easily bent; firm; unyielding


ingratitude state of being not grateful; ungratefulness; lack of gratitude


inhospitable not hospitable; not showing kindness to guests and strangers; unfriendly


insoluble 1. not soluble; incapable of being solved; unsolvable

                 2. not capable of being dissolved


irreconcilable not reconcilable; not able to be brought into frirndly accord


irrelevant not relevant; not applicable; off the topic; extraneous


irrevocable not revocable; incapable of being recalled; past recall