카테고리 없음

로퍼보캐--라틴어 접두사10

리첫 2011. 9. 16. 13:33



BENE-(=good, well), MAL-, MALE-(=evil, ill, bad, badly)


benediction (literally, "good saying") blessing; good wishes


malediction (literally, "evil saying") curse


benefactor (literally, one who does good") person who gives kindly aid, money or a similar benefit


malefactor (literally, one who does evil") offender; evildoer; criminal


beneficial productive of good; helpful; advantageous


beneficiary person receiving some good, advantage, or benefit


benevolent (literally, "wishing well") disposed to promote the welfare of others; kind; charitable


malevolent (literally, "wishing ill") showing ill will; spiteful


maladjusted badly adjusted; out of harmony with one's environment


malice ill will; intention or desire to harm another; enmity; malevolence


malnutrition bad or faulty nutrition; poor nourishment


maltreat treat badly or roughly; mistreat; abuse