영어속독--Copying texts economically
Copying can be a problem. Most schools have a spirit copier or a stencil duplicator, and the masters for these can be typed or neatly hand written. Photocopies are expensive but if you are lucky enough to have access to one, economies of valuable time and of cash can be effected, for example, in the following ways:
Size reduction
Two full pages can be reduced on the copier, making them into a single master page (albeit with small print).
Use every bit of available space, do not reproduce blank areas of paper. Two or three short texts can be stuck onto a single sheet of paper. and photocopied, to be scissored apart afterwards. Sometimes you can cut a small advertizement from a newspaper and stick that in an empty corner of the master copy, or even along the side. Cuttings from free brochures (airlines, tourist folders, etc.) are printed in very small type so you get a lot of words for your money. If you are creating your own texts, remember that typed scripts take up less space than hand written ones and that two typed pages can be reduced to A-4 by a good photocopier.
Non-disposable texts
Ensure that the students handle worksheets carefully and that they never write on them. In this way the copies can be used again and again.
Pair work
If students develop the habit of working in pairs, only one text is needed for each desk. In this way twenty non-disposable copies will suffice for 50 or more students, seated two and three to a bench.(232 words)
______ min. ______ sec.