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영어속독(200단어 읽기)--Class Reading Tasks

리첫 2016. 5. 4. 09:34

영어속독(200단어 읽기)--Class Reading Tasks


Having aroused interests in a text, elicited ideas and presented any needed lexical items (pre-reading stage), the class should be given a purpose in reading. The task, like the follow-up activity, will depend on the linguistic complexity, the level of the class and interest level. Difficult texts can be used with one or more of the simple tasks suggested below, whereas simple texts can be assigned a difficult task. The ideas put forward at various points in Chapter Seven are still valid, but here are some alternative activities.


Scanning tasks

Remember that when we scan we do not read the entire text. In fact, it would be wrong to do so in the majority of cases. The texts chosen for scanning practice are used for scanning alone. There would normally be no presentation and no follow-up. The aim (to practice scanning) is achieved quickly. After one or two scanning tasks have been carried out the text is discarded so that the class can get on with another activity. All of these tasks are given orally. For example you can tell the class to:


Find new words for old

This is a good way to focus upon a new word or useful phrase. You can do this with any type of text, authentic or not. Tell the students to find synonyms or antonyms, giving the clues in words that they already know. For example you can ask them to find a word which means dirty (filthy), to find a phrase which has the opposite meaning of she was interested (she was bored).(223 words)


______ min. ______ sec.