카테고리 없음

2016년 9월 고1영어모의고사--19번

리첫 2016. 12. 27. 15:00

2016년 9월 고1영어모의고사--19번


19. 다음 글에 드러난 Annemarie의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Annemarie looked up, panting, just as she reached the corner. Her heart seemed to skip a beat. "Halte!" the soldier ordered in a stern voice. The German word was as familiar as it was scary. Annemarie had heard it often enough before, but it had never been directed at her until now. Behind her, Ellen also slowed and stopped. Annemarie stared up. There were two of them. That meant two helmets, two sets of cold eyes glaring at her, and four tall shiny boots planted firmly on the sidewalk, blocking her path to home. And it meant two guns, gripped in the hands of the soldiers. She was motionless as she stared at the guns.[112 words]

                                                                       * pant: (숨을) 헐떡이다


1) proud and satisfied

2) envious and furious

3) tense and frightened

4) bored and in different

5) relieved and confident