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영어속독(200단어)---튀는 핸드백으로 쌈빡한 여름나기

리첫 2018. 7. 9. 15:33

By Ayako Fujimoto/Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writer


Distinct bags give bright summer look

As the summer heats up, why not make a cool impression by adding a stylish bag to your seasonal ensembles?


This year you will be able to find a wide variety of bags at shops, some with eye-catching designs and others made of clever combinations of different materials. You can enjoy using a bag not only as an accessory, but even as the centerpiece of your whole look.

Round, bucket-shaped, half-moon, drawstring pouch-style ... these and other distinctive bags are waiting at shops now.

At Casselini, a shop in the Lucua Osaka shopping center at JR Osaka Station, a round basket bag attracts attention, priced at ¥11,880 including tax.

Surprisingly, this bag can go with any clothes,shop manager Junko Morimoto said.

According to her, everyone notices the plain design of the bag, despite its casual shape.

She said: If you hang a flashy charm on it, it would give a casual impression. on the other hand, adorning it with a sheeny scarf would convey a neat impression. Please enjoy accentuating the bag [with other items].

She mentioned that adding some small furry items is all you need to make it ready for use in autumn and winter. (203 words)

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