카테고리 없음

‘셀타’란?[What is CELTA?]<1>

리첫 2018. 11. 13. 10:56

‘셀타’란?[What is CELTA?]<1>


It is an initial teaching qualification for people who want to teach English as a foreign language.[외국어로 서의 영어를 가르치고 싶은 사람들을 위한 교사 자격 시험이다.]


CELTA is awarded by Cambridge University (ESOL division) and is an acronym for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.[‘셀타’(CELTA)는 케임브리지 대학(ESOL 부서)이 자격증을 부여하며 “Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults”를 줄인 머리글자이다.]


That is obviously a little long, so the name of the qualification was shortened to CELTA.[내용이 너무 길어서 자격증 이름을 ‘CELTA’로 줄여서 표기하도록 한다.]