카테고리 없음

인권[Human Rights]--No Slavery<5>

리첫 2019. 3. 5. 11:43

Human Rights--No Slavery<5>


No Slavery

Liam is ten years old. He studies at Avalon Elementary School. He is quite popular and has good friends. Even the girls are nice to him, and the teachers are not too bad.


There is one thing though that really makes his life miserable. The school bully. His name is Grant and he is big and strong. He learns at the same class as Liam does, but he is two years older than everyone else.


Grant the bully always makes Liam and other kids do his homework. He takes their lunch. He even forces them to do stupid things in front of teachers. They all feel like his slaves because they must do what he tells them. They do not have any freedom.


Everyone is afraid of Grant. No one has the courage to do something about it, not even the teachers. They pretend that they do not notice!


One day, after losing his lunch and all of his pocket money, Liam decides he cannot go on like this. He takes some martial arts classes. This makes him a little braver. A month of classes is not much, but it is better than nothing, right?


The next time Grant the bully shows up and grabs Liam's bag, Liam stays steady. He takes his own bag back. The minute Grant sends his fist forward, Liam jumps to the left and kicks Grant in the legs.


Grant is stunned. The kids around begin cheering. Liam smiles for a single second when a hard elbow hits him in the shoulder. He falls down on the ground and Grant jumps on top of him. They continue to hit each other and fight.


At the end, Grant wins. Liam is left lying on the ground, bruised and bleeding. He is not seriously hurt, but he is disappointed. He wanted to be free from Grant, and it seems that he failed.


The next day Liam enters the school with many bruises and much swelling. He has his bag, but he knows that not for long. Soon Grant the bully will come and take it away.


Suddenly he notices Grant. His body is pretty bruised too. Grant has one look at Liam and then looks away. Liam is surprised. He did not expect this.


The next day the same thing happens. Grant continues to bully other kids, but he does not mess with Liam. Oddly enough, he does not mess with kids talking to Liam, too.


Liam is happy now. He is no longer Grant's slave. He has his freedom. Moreover, he has more friends than ever. That is because every kid who does not want Grant to bully him stays close to Liam!


all | always | At | away | back | because | bully | cannot | cheering | close | courage | did | does | each | Elementary | enters | Even | failed | for | forward | free | freedom | grabs | ground | happens | He | in | is | kicks | kids | little | losing | lunch | martial arts | mess | month | Moreover | much | next | not | now | Oddly | old | older | pretend | pretty | quite | seriously | single | slave | Soon | steady | strong | stunned | stupid | Suddenly | than | though | too

Liam is ten years . He studies at Avalon  School. He is  popular and has good friends.  the girls are nice to him, and the teachers are not  bad.

There is one thing  that really makes his life miserable. The school . His name is Grant and he is big and . He learns at the same class as Liam , but he is two years  than everyone else.

Grant the bully  makes Liam and other kids do his homework. He takes their . He even forces them to do  things in front of teachers. They  feel like his slaves because they must do what he tells them. They do not have any .

Everyone  afraid of Grant. No one has the  to do something about it,  even the teachers. They  that they do not notice!

One day, after  his lunch and all of his pocket money, Liam decides he  go on like this. He takes some  classes. This makes him a  braver. A  of classes is not much, but it is better  nothing, right?

The  time Grant the bully shows up and  Liam's bag, Liam stays . He takes his own bag . The minute Grant sends his fist , Liam jumps to the left and  Grant in the legs.

Grant is . The kids around begin . Liam smiles for a  second when a hard elbow hits him  the shoulder.  falls down on the ground and Grant jumps on top of him. They continue to hit  other and fight. 

 the end, Grant wins. Liam is left lying on the , bruised and bleeding. He is not  hurt, but he is disappointed. He wanted to be  from Grant, and it seems that he .

The next day Liam  the school with many bruises and  swelling. He has his bag, but he knows that not  long.  Grant the bully will come and take it away. 

 he notices Grant. His body is  bruised too. Grant has one look at Liam and then looks . Liam is surprised. He  not expect this.

The next day the same thing . Grant continues to bully other kids, but he does not  with Liam.  enough, he does not mess with  talking to Liam, too.

Liam is happy . He is no longer Grant's . He has his freedom. , he has more friends than ever. That is  every kid who does not want Grant to bully him stays  to Liam!