카테고리 없음

어근(Root), 어간(Stem)을 통한 핵심 단어 공략<3>

리첫 2019. 5. 27. 11:08

어근(Root), 어간(Stem)을 통한 핵심 단어 공략<3>

curr, curs(run:달리다)


current: ongoing at the present(최근의)

cursive: flowing (handwriting)[흘려 쓰는, 초서체]




democracy: government by the people(민주주의)

epidemic: spread through the people(전염병의)




dermatologist: skin doctor(피부과 의사)

epidermis: skin(피부)




diction: speech(연설)

verdict: statement by judge/jury(평결, 재판 결과)


duc, duct(lead:이끌다)


duct: passage(행로)

conductor: one who leads(지휘자)


eu(good, pleasant:좋은)


eulogy: praise(칭찬)

euphemism: pleasant way of saying something unpleasant(완곡 어법)


fid(truth, belief:진실, 믿음)


confidence: belief in(확신)

fidelity: truth(진실)




finish: end(끝나다)

infinite: having no end(무한한)




flexible: able to bend(유연한)

inflection: change in speech(어형 변화)


frag, fract(break:깨뜨리다)


fragile: breakable(깨지기 쉬운)

infraction: violation(위반)




gender: classification by sex(성별)

general: with no specific class(특정 구분이 없는)