카테고리 없음

어근(Root), 어간(Stem)을 통한 핵심 단어 공략<4>

리첫 2019. 5. 28. 17:13

어근(Root), 어간(Stem)을 통한 핵심 단어 공략<4>



digress: to depart from(탈선하다)

regress: to go backward(후퇴하다)


graph, gram(writing:글씨)


pictograph: writing with pictures(그림문자)

autograph: written signature(서명)


jec, ject(throw:던지다)


projectile: missile(미사일)

eject: to throw out(내버리다)


loqu, locut(talk:대화)


locquacious: talkative(말하기를 좋아하는)

elocution: speech(연설)




lucid: clear(뚜렷한)

translucent: letting light in(투명한)


magn(large, great:큰, 거대한)


magnify: to enlarge(확대하다)

magnificent: great(위대한)




malodorous: smelling bad(악취의)

malicious: nasty(악의 있는)




marine: having to do with the sea(바다의)

submarine: under the sea(해저)


mater, matr(mother:모성)


maternity: related to mother(모성의)

matricide: to kill one's mother(모친 살해)


mit, miss(send:보내다)


remit: to send in(송금하다, 면제하다)

missionary: one sent out(선교사)




immortal: never dying(불멸의)

morgue: place for the dead(영안실)