접두사(prefix)로 익히는 핵심 단어 공략<1>
a, an(without, not)
amoral: without morals(비도덕의)
anarchy: without government(무정부)
anemia: lack of blood(빈혈)
ab, abs(away, from)
absent: not here(결석한)
abduct: take away(유괴하다)
ambiguous: two meanings(두 가지 의미)
ambidextrous: both hands(양손의)
anteroom: entryway or foyer(현관, 로비)
antebellum: before the war(전쟁 전)
arch(first, head)
archbishop: head bishop(대주교)
arch-rival: main competitor(주요 경쟁자)
bicycle: two-wheeler(이륜차)
bimonthly: twice a month(한 달에 두 번)
circumnavigate: sail around (the world)[배로 일주하다]
circumspect: careful, cautious(조심성 있는)
co, con, col(together, with)
confer: talk with(함께 대화하다)
collaborate: plan with(협력하다)
combine: join with(결합하다)
de(down, away)
depart: go away(출발하다)
defer: put off(연기하다)
divide: split in two(둘로 나누다)
diverge: spreading in two directions(두 방향으로 갈라진)