카테고리 없음

접두사(prefix)로 익히는 핵심 단어 공략<2>

리첫 2019. 6. 12. 12:54

접두사(prefix)로 익히는 핵심 단어 공략<2>



diagonal: from one side to another (at a slant)[대각선의]

diameter: across a circle(원의 지름)


dis(not, apart)


disappear: not to appear(사라지다)

distant: away from(멀리 떨어진)


e, ex(out of)


expel: to throw out(내던지다)

emit: send out(방출하다)


extra, extro(outside)


extraterrestrial: out of the world(외계의

extraordinary: beyond the ordinary(뛰어난)


in, im(not)


invalid: not valid(무효한)

imperfect: not perfect(완벽하지 않은)






interfere: to come between(간섭하다)

interscholastic: between schools(학교 간의)




microscopic: tiny(작은)

microbe: tiny organism(미생물)


mis(not, bad)


misaligned: not lined up properly(알맞게 조정되지 않은)

misjudge: to judge badly(오판하다)




monarch: single ruler(왕, 군주)

monopoly: one owner or controller(독점)




multitude: big crowd(다중)

multinational: many nations(다국적의)