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Who was George Washington?<1>

리첫 2020. 5. 14. 21:54

Who was George Washington?<1>


The story of America's first president


All Americans know about George Washington. He was the first president of the United States of America, and his face appears on the iconic one dollar bill. He has also given his name to the capital city of the USA, Washington D.C, .... and to a state, the state of Washington. No other American is quite so famous !


George Washington's portrait is on the iconic one dollar bill If you had to sum up George Washington's life in one word, that word would have to be unforgettable. George's story is one of travel and adventure, full of risks and, most of all, full of glory.


After all, in 1789, he was elected the first president of the United States, a country that was to become the most powerful in the world. At the end of his life, in 1799, George was an international hero.


But, if you look back into George's early years, you will see that things were not always so rosy. George was sent into the Army as a very young man. For a colonist of his generation, it was a respectable thing to do. It gave him an opportunity to make a living, and at the same time see the country, which at the time was full of wild animals and Indians. It was a tough life, but an interesting one. One could hunt forever in the vast forests. One could explore new lands seemingly forever. [247 words]


sum up: to give a brief review or summary(한 마디로 논평하다, 요약하다)

rosy: nice(낙관적인)

colonist : (in the USA at the time) a man from England(그 당시 미국에서 영국에서 온 식민자)

make a living: make enough money to live(생활할만 하다)

hunt : chase wild animals(야생동물을 쫓다)

seemingly: apparently(외관상)