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Who was George Washington? <3>

리첫 2020. 5. 16. 06:42

Who was George Washington?3


For George, it was a difficult time. To cut a long story short, it was the only time in his life that he had to surrender an army at Fort Necessity, near the forks of the Ohio. In that battle, George nearly didn't become the first president of the United States. His army was surrounded by the French and Indians, badly outnumbered, so he had to surrender the fort. Luckily for him, the French allowed him and his army to leave with their horses and guns. The battle had been lost, but the English, who were more numerous, eventually won the war.


The French and Indian War was a learning experience for George, one that he would later exploit in the War for American Independence. Indeed, twenty years later, George was dressed in an American uniform, and fighting not against the French, but against the British.


In this war, it is said that George's fiery leadership inspired his American troops when they were starving and cold, and he emerged from the war as the greatest general.


It was no surprise that the victorious Americans chose him as their first president. As for getting his picture on the dollar bill, that didn't come until after George was long dead and gone, proving that his spirit was truly an unforgettable one. [225 words]





to cut a long story short: in short(간단히)

forks of the Ohio: place where the Ohio river begins, from two other rivers(다른 두 강에서 오하이오 강이 시작되는 지점)

outnumbered: having many less men than the enemy(적보다 숫자가 적은, 불리한)

fiery: strongly emotional(격렬한)

starving: without food(굶주린)