카테고리 없음

보캐<37>--Words for Events(Games)

리첫 2022. 2. 23. 21:03


Words for Events(Games)


board game: a game played on a flat board specially designed for it, often with small pieces that belong to each player, and dice


Board games are fun for children and adults.



card game: a game played with a standard deck of cards or cards specially designed for it; bridge, canasta, hearts, Old Maid, Go Fish, etc.


There are card games for children and for adults.



game: an entertainment where two or more people compete with each other


Would you like to play a game with me?



hide-and-seek: a children’s game where one child, who is “it,” must find another child in his or her hiding place, who then becomes “it”


Hide-and seek is a game played everywhere.



match: a tennis, soccer, or rugby game


I’d love to go to the movies, but I have a tennis match this afternoon.



parlor game: an indoor game that is played among small groups of people at a party


Charades is a popular parlor game.



sports: an athletic competition; a football game, a baseball game, a volleyball game, etc.


He loves to spend Sundays watching sports.



tag: a children’s game where one child, who is “it,” must touch (tag) another, who then becomes “it”


Tag is a game played by children of all ages.