카테고리 없음

200/min Reading--영어를 잘 말하는 법[영-한]

리첫 2022. 8. 3. 20:21


How to Speak English Well: 25 Simple Tips for Extraordinary Fluency


Do you want to learn how to speak English well? 


This post contains 25 solid tips that will help you learn how to speak English more fluently, in less time. 


1. Learn What It Means to Be Fluent in English 


You know that you want to become fluent in English, but what does that mean? 


There are two parts to fluency: knowing the language and knowing how to produce the language. 


Being fluent means that you can use the English language comfortably. You can communicate freely and you can have conversations with native speakers without having to constantly look for help. 


Fluency can also be seen in how you speak. You can know plenty of English vocabulary, but if you have to pause or repeat a lot when speaking, your fluency might not be so obvious to someone. If you speak very slowly or in a very flat, unemotional manner, then you won’t sound very fluent, either. 


On the other hand, sounding fluent doesn’t mean you actually are speaking good English. 


To be fluent in English, you need to master both the language and how you speak it! 


There’s often an expectation that you must know a certain number of words for fluency. But it’s important to remember that you can’t just study the words and grammar. It can be scary, but you’ll also need to practice actually speaking. 


The tips below will help you master how your speaking skills so that you can speak proper English and sound good doing it. Don’t forget how important both features of fluency are! [270 words]