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자! 그럼 실전을 통해 독해기법을 공부할까요?

리첫 2006. 6. 13. 11:23

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Across the Divide / Interpreter at home in corporate world

Midori Matsuzawa Daily Yomiuri Staff Writer

As an interpreter specializing in finance, Chikako Tsuruta has worked in various business contexts, ranging from board and shareholder meetings to negotiations over acquisitions of Japanese companies by foreign entities.


Sometimes, the business meetings she has been assigned to facilitate dealt with very delicate issues, but the 52-year-old expert says the whole point of financial interpretation is that it is "directly linked to companies' managements."


Taking some takeover bids she was involved in as an example, she said: "These are things that would bring money flowing in by the billions. "I sometimes thought if these deals worked out, they would be the top stories of tomorrow's newspapers--and this actually happened in some cases."


For such meetings, however, key confidential documents were not given to her until just before the meetings began.


Tsuruta recalled one such case, in which as soon as she was given the data on a company the meeting was to deal with, the interpreter found herself confusing her client by saying, "This firm has too much debt, doesn't it?"


Of course, the remark went beyond the scope of what Tsuruta was supposed to do, but this shows another aspect of her talents--as an analyst, thanks to her decadelong experience of working in the financial industry. (213 words)